We're proud to promote Dallas-area businesses like yours, connecting you with visitors, conventions and other opportunities. Through your Visit Dallas membership, we'll highlight and hand-deliver your organization to groups of all sizes.
Strategic$750 | Invested$1000+ per year | |
VisitDallas.com ListingList your business as a partner on www.visitdallas.com | YES | YES |
PartnerNet AccessAccess PartnerNet, our online partner community | YES | YES |
Leads DistributionBusiness referrals, convention & meeting leads distribution | YES | YES |
B2B Event InvitationsInvitations to the Visit Dallas networking & educational events for B2B opportunities | YES | YES |
Custom Media on VisitDallas.com ListingAbility to add logos, pictures, menus, coupons, and updated copy to your listing on visitdallas.com | YES | YES |
Calendar & ReportsAccess to Visit Dallas Convention Calendar & Reports | YES | YES |
360 Virtual Tour ToolVirtual tour of your hotel, restaurant, venue for unlimited use in sales initiatives (where applicable) | YES | YES |
Mobile Visitor UnitAbility to stock brochures to promote your business to visitors at local events and Visitor Kiosksrant, venue for unlimited use in sales initiatives | YES | YES |
Let our team work with yours to determine your needs. We'll create a tailored package that opens the door to exclusive exposure and possibilities to grow your business. The options are endless. Here are just a few of the possibilities that we can customize for your business.
Strategic$750 | Invested$1000+ per year | |
Custom Annual Reports & ResearchInsight to traveler sentiments and forecast based on your specific needs | NO | YES |
Marketing Insights and exposure(based on availability) | NO | YES |
Top-bill event sponsorshipOpportunities to engage the hospitality industry to your brand via sponsorships to events | NO | YES |
FAM Tour StopsAbility to include your business on FAMs and Sites with direct contact with key event planners. | NO | YES |
Please fill out your information below. We will reach out to you with some ideas about getting you involved!
Have questions about this form or about your package options? Please contact the Membership team at 214-571-1002.